The youngest one was in bed and Simone decided to go sit on the patio for a bit of quiet reading. She snuggled into the cushions and settled back. Soon, hubby opened the patio door.
"Whatcha doing?" he asked, glancing up from the game he was playing on his phone.
"Reading," said Simone. "Relaxing."
"Sounds good," he said, making a space next to her on the loveseat. They sat in companiable silence for a few minutes. The strums of a guitar started. A little dog yapped.
Hubby sighed. "Maybe we should let our dog out?" he suggested.
"He'll only bark at the little dog then we'll have to make him go into the house because he's barking," Simone said. "I don't feel like moving just now anyhow."
Hubby sighed again. "It doesn't seem fair that the little dog gets to bark."
"Nope," Simone agreed. "It sure doesn't seem fair at all."
The guitar sounds intensified, accompanied by some singing. The little dog yapped louder and other dogs in the neighbourhood took up the chorus.
"Is it time to go back inside?" asked hubby.
Simone finally looked up from her reading. She spied a dog in the backyard behind theirs. The moment they made eye contact, the dog began to howl piteously.
"Maybe you should howl back?" suggested hubby.
Simone smiled and howled back at the dog. The dog stopped and cocked its head at Simone. Simone howled again. The guitar and singing got louder.
"Travelling musicians?" laughed hubby.
It was Simone's turn to sigh. "I guess I'm not getting any reading done this way anyhow. Let's go in."
Her friend the dog howled goodbye and Simone closed the door on the outside world...
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