Simone's hubby bought her a treat: a manicure and pedicure at a local spa. As she waited for hubby to come home from work, Simone sang, "We're going on a bear hunt," with little B. He followed her through the house, singing and stomping and gesturing. Then he went to put his boots on.
"Where are you going?" asked Simone.
"Hay-cut," declared little B.
Simone stood rooted to the floor with her jaw dangling open in a most undignified manner. "You want a haircut? Really?" He hadn't had a haircut since March! And he wanted to go, finally, on the very day that she had an outing for herself.
"Hay-cut," repeated little B, narrowing his eyes at his mother as though he questioned her intelligence.
"Okee dokee," Simone said cheerfully, spotting hubby's car pulling in the driveway. "Daddy will take you."
After a hurried consultation with hubby, hubby asked, "Do you want ice cream?"
"Eyes kweem," said little B with enthusiasm.
"Then let's go get your hair cut."
And off they went.
It took three people to give the little guy a buzz cut. One to hold him down and two to buzz his hair as fast as possible as Daddy dangled him upside down in an effort to keep little B somewhat restrained. People stopped by the shop and stared in open horror as the operation proceeded in spite of the child's guttural screams. "Okay, Da-ee! Okay, Da-ee!" yelled little B, as though in doing so he was letting his father know that enough was enough. "Okay, Daee?"
"Okay," said Daddy, noticing that one long strand of hair still dangled by the child's right ear. "We'll get that when you're sleeping."
Little B shuddered. "Eyes kweem? Okay, Da-ee?"
"Okay, little B. Time for ice cream."
Thank goodness haircuts come but twice a year...