The summer's over... It may never have started in this region of Canada. Do two weeks of warmer weather constitute summer? Probably not. In any case, school starts tomorrow for some kids. It started yesterday for others. And a bunch get to wait until the traditional after Labour Day Tuesday to go back to class. And we all know here in Ontario that once school starts, that's pretty well the end of the good weather.
The 11 year old has her bags packed, her wardrobe ready and her new indoor shoes are broken in. She anxiously awaits the first day of school to find out who her new teacher is going to be. We've all got our fingers crossed.
The 13 year old is doing his best to ignore the fact that school starts soon. He sleeps until well past noon and hides behind his computer. His school shopping will take place tomorrow, after Simone and hubby receive, hopefully, a list of items necessary to the boy's portfolio.
At least the 3 year old gets to stay home and keep Simone company. And while we're on the subject of the 3 year old, let us remind Simone that it isn't a good idea to play chase with a three year old while he's carrying a sippy cup. He's liable to trip, fall and land his face onto the juice cup, thereby giving himself a stunner of a black eye.
Just saying.
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