It was time. It was more than time.
Okay, so it was past the time.
Little B's head pressed against the top of his crib while his feet pushed the netting at the foot of the crib. He needed a new bed. A bigger bed. A big boy bed. And that was where the conversation deteriorated.
Should he get a toddler bed?
A twin bed?
A double bed?
A silly, playful bed?
A grown-up bed?
And if a playful bed, which kind? Research revealed that there were all kinds of playful beds available, from the barely affordable to the are-you-out-of-your-mind price tags.
Little B has a little room so the double bed got nixed quickly enough - even though there is an unused double bed at the house. Simone's hubby preferred the idea of a toddler bed while Simone felt that a twin bed would be more practical in that it would last longer. In the end, they picked the bed you see above. It proved to be a good choice for Little B. He loves to climb into his bed and read books with Mom or Dad. And he loves to crawl under his bed where all his toys are stored out of the way of the vacuum.
Woo-hoo! For once they all agreed!
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