Traditionally in Ontario - at least as far as Simone can recall - school starts the day after Labour Day. It's a given. A fact of life. There will be no school until the Tuesday after Labour Day. People had come to depend on this hard, cold fact.
Unfortunately, the "fact" changed this year. This year, at lest for some kids, school started early. And so the 11 year old who goes to a French school started on the Wednesday before Labour Day while the 13 year old had orientation on the same day - and did not start classes at all - and the 15 year old doesn't have to go near the school until next week.
The 11 year old thought this was grossly unfair. She thought about rebelling and not going to school. Then she realized she would find out who her teacher was for Grade 6. Such questions gnawed at her insides. Would she get the very strict Mme S for a Grade 6 teacher? Would she get Mme J, who although strict, does not frighten the 11 year old out of her wits?
And the questions egged the girl on until she decided that yes indeed, she would go to school. The walk to school seemed oddly quiet, since other schools in the neighbourhood do not start for another week, but the excitement was nonetheless palpable.
Sigh... but now there's day 2, 3, 100... and the 11 year old grows up...
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