The 12 year old was wildly rummaging in her closet, looking for something suitable to wear for Halloween. The traditional witches and princesses were rejected out of hand. Monsters, goblins and pumpkins likewise.
"Aren't you getting a little old to go out for Halloween?" Simone asked her daughter.
The 12 year old gave her mother one of those "You are sooooo lame!" eyeball rolling glares that 12 year olds the world over are famous for. Granted, Simone had asked a stupid question. At 44 years old, Simone STILL looks forward to dressing up and going out for Halloween. She might pretend that it's because she has to accompany the four year old but the truth is that Simone actually likes dressing up.
"Never mind," Simone sighed. "It's probably some sort of genetic defect."
Another sigh. "Are you ready to go to your friend's house for a sleepover?"
"I guess so," insert pout and slouch. "Let's go."
The following morning, the 12 year old had her costume well in hand. She was carrying a royal blue ballroom gown.
"What are you going as? Prom queen?" Simone asked. "And whose bridesmaid dress did you steal anyhow?"
"I didn't steal it and it's a costume," the girl informed her mother with asperity. "I'm going to wear it and be Mother Ocean."
Simone made a face. Mother Ocean? Where in the world did SHE pop out from? "I thought it was Mother Earth and Father Ocean," she pointed out delicately.
"Nooooo," the 12 year old smiled at her mother's ridiculous ideas. "It's Mother Ocean. Anyhow. I need you to do my make up and do my hair and I need it done early on Friday morning."
"Friday morning? Halloween is Sunday night!"
"Yeah but we get to wear our costumes to school on Friday."
Ugh. Mother Ocean. Couldn't she have picked something easy? Like a clown?