Friday, June 22, 2012

Home to a disaster

There are times when you wish you hadn't gone home. Today was one of those days. The front door stood wide open, the better to allow workers in and out of the house. Although Simone and family had vacated the premises for a full week, the kitchen was still not ready. Workers worked feverishly to install cupboards. The kitchen and laundry appliances stood in the living room and exercise room. The new kitchen table had come in and needed to be assembled. Well, there was nothing to do but get down to it. One task at a time. Never mind that there was a ton of laundry to do: the kitchen needed to be finished, the appliances needed to be hooked up and the table needed to get assembled. Simone grabbed her screwdriver and attacked a chair. She used one of the long screws to fasten the leg to the seat and it went through the back of the chair.
It was going to be a loooooooong day...

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