Next week, the house is going to look very different. The dining room will be the family room and the family room will become a... bedroom. Simone's mother-in-law is moving in for an indefinite period.
So today, Simone has to be home for a certain period of time so that the cable guy (or gal) can install a cable in the new family room. Because a family room without cable is, well, dated circa 1900.
At 9:30 am, the cable guy contacted Simone to ask whether he could drop by earlier than the scheduled time. Simone figured he must have had a hot date lined up but was unable to accommodate him. When she pulled into her driveway at one minute before the earliest (!) time the cable guy was due to arrive, the cable guy's truck was already parked there, waiting.
"What the devil is going on?" Simone wondered.
The cable guy gave Simone about three minutes to get in the house - he was finishing a smoke - then gamely rang the doorbell. He then proceeded to tell Simone that he wasn't the right kind of technician for the job. "You need an indoor guy," he said. "You need a guy who can pull the wires through the house. I only draw the cables in from outside."
The guy left without doing any work. Simone spent 45 minutes on the phone with the cable company to try and untangle the mess. Then another 15 minutes on the phone to untangle it some more. Another cable guy showed up later on in the evening and he said, ahem, "It'll take me more than an hour to do this. I'll put in a request for someone to come in on another day for you."
Who pays these guys?
And, more importantly, why?
We have the same phenomena in the U.K.
Many people in positions which need specialist knowledge simply don't have that knowledge.
And the country has been in the throws of idiot management for decades.
It took another week but we finally got the cable installed - but we had to argue with the next technician that showed up. He didn't want to do the job either!
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