There's a little naked bum running around Simone's house lately. Yep. Potty training has belatedly begun for the littlest member of the family. After all, school starts in six months and the only requirement other than age is that the kids know how and when to use the potty.
Simone, who has a bit of an aversion to the smell of urine on her clothes, had done a superb job of avoiding potty training.
"You weren't even one year old when you were fully potty trained," complained Simone's mother. "It can be done!" Sadly, Simone's mother has pictures to prove the fact that Simone could and did indeed sit on the potty the moment she learned how to walk.
"Would you take those pictures down?" Simone begged her mother. "They're embarrassing."
"They're only embarrassing because you haven't managed to train your son how to use the potty and he's over three years old, for crying out loud!" Simone's mother retorted.
"Diapers are expensive," said Simone's hubby. "You've taught him the alphabet, how to read, how to add and subtract, how to use scissors... How tough can it be to teach him to use the potty?"
So, bowing to enormous family pressure, Simone is presently subjecting herself and the little guy to potty training.
"Do you need to pee?"
"Do you need to use the potty?"
"Do you ... Never mind. Let's clean up the mess and get you a new change of clothing..."
Everyone is just waiting...
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