Okay. So the kid's progressed to the point where he gives his parents a 30 second warning.
"Potty!" Has now become the new rallying cry around Simone's house. The cry brings about a flurry of activity: a race toward the nearest washroom, a frantic search for the toddler potty seat to prevent child A from being inserted into the toilet slot (yes, it's happened) and an equally desperate reach for an umbrella.
An umbrella?
Yes. An umbrella.
The child is under the mistaken impression that in order to, *cough*, urinate, he must squeeze himself in a most persuasive manner. The result is a thorough soaking for all surrounding paraphernalia, including but not restricted to the toilet seat, the child's socks (don't ask) and anyone positioned too close to the shower zone.
When told, "Don't squeeze it!", the result is a more direct jet of spray but a soaking somewhere for someone anyhow.
Ah! So the kid is SITTING on the toilet to do his business. Perhaps making him stand while facing the back of the toilet is the answer? Hmmmm...
In the meantime, Simone is very hopeful that the kid will actually wash his hands after his next visit to Mr Potty instead of stuffing his head in the sink, lapping up the water from the tap and shaking his head afterward. "I take a shower," he says.
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