Simone arrived early and stood uncertainly at the entrance. As with most if not all buildings in Paris, entry into the enclosed lobby required a code. A further code was required once inside in order to buzz the people you wished to reach. Sadly, Simone lacked any code.
A fluttering of snowflakes slid down Simone's back. She glanced up at the apartment and saw once again that her uncle's lights appeared to be on but he had not posted, for her convenience, the entry code to the outside of his window.
Sighing, Simone stamped her feet on the pavement, hoping to keep warm but her feet were sore from shopping in heels all day. Fortunately, her vigil was short-lived. Her uncle, off on a last minute errand, happened to come down the stairs and smiled to find Simone standing there.
In short order, Simone was bustled into his apartment where Simone's aunt outfitted her with an apéretif and nestled into their couch with a pair of fuzzy slippers on her sore feet. Following a pre-dinner spectacular of her aunt and uncle's recent visit to Canada, featuring music, movies and pictures, the three of them settled down to eat, occasionally joined by the cat.
Oysters preceded smoked salmon which then gave way to a steak with pasta. Cheese was served followed by dessert... And it came with candles! Because it was a beautiful birthday cake. Simone was immensely touched by their thoughtfulness. They had even bought her a present! With tears of joy in her eyes, Simone thanked them heartily for the happiness they'd given her.
What a beautiful evening it turned out to be! A memory to be cherished always. Thank-you! Merci!
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