The I heart NY shirts were bad enough but at least their meaning was somewhat decipherable. Heart stands for love and so "I love New York". But why "I (maple leaf) Canada"? Why indeed?
Simone was sorely tempted to berate the wearer of the shirt but since he was approximately 8 years old, he could not be expected to know better. After all, perhaps the child had a lisp and could not pronounce "leave" properly. But if that was the intent, then why announce to the world "I leave Canada"? How insulting is that?
"Why are you staring at my kid?" Demanded the child's mother.
Ah, thought Simone. This would be the perfect moment to inquire why a parent would allow to wear a shirt that in essence demeans the wearer and the country in which he wears it. However, in the interest of preserving some dignity before little B, Simone simply affected a vacant stare quite similar to that of the woman who had addressed her. The woman quickly lost interest, leaving Simone to her ruminations.
I leaf Canada... It's degrading to the rest of us when people believe they're being patriotic but in fact they're showing the world we drink too much beer.
Yes, yes. There IS such a thing as drinking too much beer.
Ah, forget it.
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