Simone left hubby and little B in a store for nearly three hours.
Before going in, hubby promised he would not buy the little guy a bike even though they were prominently displayed outside the store.
He did however come out of the store armed with several new summer outfits for little B, three books, a Tonka truck, a bubble wand (large) and a DS light, complete with two games, a case and all the accoutrements one might desire. Really.
Of course, when Simone picked them up outside the store, little B, who should have felt satiated with the strawberry ice cream sunday and package of chocolate eggs he'd consumed, began screaming blue murder.
"What's wrong?" Simone asked.
"He wants a bike," hubby said, glancing wistfully at the display.
"Buckle your seat belt, honey" Simone said. Time to step on the gas and drive out of Dodge...
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