The school year is over for thousands of university and college students in Ontario. And while one of Simone's flock flies home, the tenants who'd occupied the basement of her home are moving out.
This year, one of the tenants was a bit of a... pig. He never washed dishes, left garbage lying all over the floor and common areas and generally kept the place in disrepair.
Simone expected a mess when she went to inspect the premises: she was not disappointed. There were pizza boxes scattered everywhere, with the crusts still in the boxes for good measure, juice containers on their sides and spilling their contents in the fridge, papers and unidentified gunk littered the floor... She wrote the father of the bad boy a note. The bad boy apologized and promised to clean up. So Simone left his dirty dishes in the sink but cleaned up the rest.
After he "cleaned up", Simone went to check. Fresh paper littered the floor and new dishes had joined the old ones in the sink. A new juice container was leaking out its contents in the fridge.
There's a student who won't see his lease renewed...
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