Simone had precisely one minute to get to her doctor's appointment, an appointment she'd rescheduled three times already. She parked her car, backing into a space in front of the clinic, then headed out with her purse.
A little blue car zoomed into the parking lot so Simone stopped in her tracks. Car versus person, car wins. Person stops. The driver of the blue car, a young woman, waved to Simone to go ahead so Simone did. As Simone headed toward the steps of the clinic, she heard a metal grinding noise and, heart sinking turned around to see that the blue car had not driven into the very empty space next to Simone's car. The blue car had driven into Simone's car.
9:15. Time for Simone's appointment. Simone memorized the offending vehicle's license plate and, shaking her head, moved toward the clinic again. She didn't want to miss her appointment.
Common sense returned a moment later and Simone turned toward the accident scene, determined to speak to the driver of the blue car in order to exchange insurance information. At that point, the driver of the blue car had pulled out in front of Simone's car and was outside her vehicle, jotting down information while staring intently at Simone's license plate.
"What?" Simone muttered. "Is she thinking of claiming that my car jumped out and bit hers?" Fuming, Simone moved toward the blue car. The driver spied Simone, jumped a little, entered her vehicle and drove out of the parking lot.
$1374 in repairs....
Ugh! How horrible!! I hope you at least got to your appointment...
I did get to my appointment - with no minutes to spare!
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