Simone took little B to an indoor playground because yesterday felt simply too chilly to explore the outdoor variety. Wearing their rain boots, Simone and the youngest clan member dashed through the puddles outside the playground and paid for their entry into toddler wonderland.
Little B, well-versed in the routine, removed his boots - momentarily dazzled by a beautiful pair of bright pink rubber boots lined up ever so nicely under a matching raincoat - and proceeded to the gate as Simone struggled to keep up.
"Come, Naan-naan," ordered the diminutive boss.
Simone took little B into areas he'd never seen before in the climbing frames, judiciously avoiding the slides because they give her headaches. Little B was astounded. "Look, Naan-naan!" He exclaimed over and again.
When Simone proved reluctant to enter a second time into the climbing area, little B, wonder of wonders, went by himself. He bravely explored this brave new world several times before indicating that he'd had enough.
Simone's little man is growing up...
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