Little B squealed with delight. His "usual" women filled the gym. He had not in fact seen his "usual" women in some months, owing to scheduling changes, but on this particular day, everything was back in order. Simone and little B had managed to catch the last 15 minutes of the pilates class and, after ascertaining that they could indeed come in, Simone proceeded to enter the gym.
"Little B!" The women exclaimed when they saw him.
He tried to peek from behind the exercise bike that barred his way. "Hi!" he shouted. "Peekaboo!"
This made the women giggle which in turn stopped little B from ever trying the peekaboo trick again. No, of course not. Little B played the peekaboo trick for the next five minutes as Mom set up shop next to the reformer (pictured above), a newer form of torture loosely based on the principle of the rack.
For the last ten minutes of the gym class, little B ran from woman to woman saying, "Hi!" He bounced off the walls, quite literally, tossed a soft foam ball around, occasionally catching one of the women, and dramatically tripped and fell on his face twice. Little B simply stood up again and continued running.
One woman sighed, "I wish I could harness some of that energy!"
"I'm tired just looking at him," added another.
"I've heard that the best form of exercise," said the instructor, "is to follow either a toddler or a cat all day and do whatever they do."
Simone shuddered at the thought of doing either. Might as well be the ball in the pinball machine...
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