"I don't wanna go to the Beer Store!"
Simone tunes out the complaining. She's on a mission today. Lots to do. Not much time. The 17 year old arrived late because he only had three hours of sleep and his help is much needed.
She parks in front of the beer store, hopes no one will crash into her vehicle and grabs the solitary empty cart half a block away to race back to the car. In the meantime, the 17 year old tries to figure out how to exit the car without letting the dog out. He fails.
Simone leaves the cart by the car, thinking mean thoughts should anyone see this as an opportunity to steal her cart, and races after the dog. She grabs his collar and drags Eliot back to the car. Then she and the 17 year old load the 50 or so empty bottles that were in the car into the cart and join the line at the Beer Store.
"I don't wanna go to the liquor store!"
The line up to enter the liquor store looks forbidding. Simone goes a block away to a set of lights, goes into a store parking lot to turn around then finds that she cannot join the line up to turn left here either.
Eventually, Simone makes it to the liquor store. There are too many cars, too much snow and the car is filled with too many kids. In the store, there are people walking very slowly, taking it all in. Don't they know that Simone has too many kids? Don't they see that the line up is already 20 people long times two?
Simone picks up her purchase. Really, why did she wait this long to come here? Simone can't remember. But thanks to a very efficient crossing guard at the front of the liquor store, the cash register thing passes by quickly.
"I don't wanna go to... Wait! Can I get a movie?"
"No. We are dropping off movies, not renting new ones."
"Then I don't wanna go to the video store."
"I don't wanna go to the bank!"
"It'll be quick."
It wasn't but who's counting now?
"Hey, can I go in to the library first by myself and then you can catch up to me?"
"Sure," agrees Simone, anxious to have a little less noise.
The 10 year old opens the car door and leaves it open while she announces her intention of getting into the library before everyone else. The dog jumps out. Simone jumps out of her seat and chases after the dog again. Sensing danger, Eliot races for an older gentleman who pets him but lets the dog go as soon as Simone draws near.
"I guess I should have held him for you," says the gentleman.
"That would have been nice," agrees Simone through gritted teeth.
The 17 year old forgot his two books for English class at school. The library has one of them but only Coles Notes for the other.
"Hey, I like that," says the 17 year old.
Simone goes to pick up the Coles Notes. Baby B follows. The 10 year old follows Baby B. The 10 year old loses track of Baby B. The 10 year old goes back to see the two older kids. Simone then goes on a frantic search for Baby B, made easier by the child's screams.
When the 17 year old puts Baby B in the car, the dog escapes again. Simone, fortunately, stands at the ready and nabs the dog's collar before he can get away.
"I want a cookie."
"You're too old for a free cookie from the bakery."
"Then I don't want to go to the grocery store!"
Simone in all her wisdom forgot all about Christmas Eve dinner. She picks up a ham, rice and a can of pineapple bits. Not all that creative perhaps but it'll feed a bunch of hungry kids.
"You take Baby B, you help with groceries and you walk the dog."
"The dog doesn't want a walk."
Glare from Simone.
"Okay, okay. I'll walk the dog. But my fingers will freeze."
"Here," Simone peels off her gloves. "Wear these."
When she walks in the door, the 13 year old, who stayed home under the pretense that he felt ill, approaches Simone.
"Hey, do you think you could take me to the library later today?" He asks. "I need a book on phobias."
"I think I have driving phobia," snaps Simone. "Where did I put that bottle from the liquor store again?"